Global Competence and Future of Work Virtual Mobility Program 2021 was recently held on August 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, and 19, 2021 by the committee of the Office of International Affairs – Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta (UPNVY) in collaboration with BINUS University, Atmajaya Jakarta University (Indonesia), Universiti Malaya (Malaysia), FPT University (Vietnam), Thaksin University (Thailand) and Panpacific University (Philippines).
During 6 days, the program has attracted more than 150 participants from different countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, etc. The event provided a virtual platform for participants to learn, collaborate, and exchange knowledge and ideas across fields and countries about global competence and the future of work through interesting lectures from prestigious experts and professors. In addition, the participants also had a chance to enjoy many activities such as culture exchange, group discussion and Q&A with key speakers.

As a part of the organizing committee, FPT Education has contributed hard effort to bring to the participants valuable information and useful knowledge. As the moderator at the keynote speech on the opening day, Ms. Hien Nguyen- Dean at FPT Education Global with Dr. Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela, Southeast Asian Minister of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat Director, Thailand has impressed participants with many valuable information about the education trend of Southeast Asia amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Dr. Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela highlighted the online learning trend through research and surveys of SEAMEO.
Although online learning could not replace the traditional learning (face-to-face) method, she still noted that virtual learning is still useful and an important method especially under the circumstance of the complicated pandemic in the world. Agreeing with this point of view, Ms. Hien Nguyen also showed how virtual learning and communication has changed the way FPT Education Global offers learning courses and programs to international students and builds networks with its partners.
To make this more clear, on Day 3 of the event on August 13, Ms. Ho Thi Thao Nguyen, SMIA, FPT University, had a special sharing on how FPT Education maintains and promotes partnership during the pandemic. Ms. Thao Nguyen has given many practical cases and activities that FPT Education used to build and keep close relationships with its students and partners. The sharing has attracted a lot of attention and questions from the participants. All of the activities in the recent time are the testimonial of FPT Education Global in bringing high-quality and innovative programs to international students.

Global Competence and Future of Work Virtual Mobility Program (GCFoW) 2021 is a series of discussion and dialogue that contains global competence and future of work, initiate collaboration within youth in responding to challenges of the future of work through the creation of a virtual mobility, and build networks among youth across countries as agents of change following their respective fields.
The event is held to increase awareness and knowledge regarding global problems and intercultural issues, provide a digital platform for the young generation to learn, collaborate, and exchange knowledge and ideas across fields and countries.
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