On the morning of October 5th, 2019, FPTU’s Faculty of Business (FOB) held an ACBSP awareness session for all faculty members and some key staff members.
The session was attended by Dr. Le Truong Tung, Chairman of FPT Education, Dr. Nguyen Khac Thanh, Rector of FPT University, Dr. Nguyen Kim Anh, Vice Rector of FPT University, Dr. Tran Ngoc Tuan, Vice Rector cum Dean of the Faculty of Business, Dr. Ta Ngoc Cau, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Business. Other participants included all faculty members of the Faculty of Business, heads, and staff members of functional departments.

Dr. Le Truong Tung, Chairman of FPT Education opened the session by explaining the importance of program accreditation for the sustainable growth of FPT University and the faculties. In an effort to meet national standards, FPT University applied for accreditation by the standards of Vietnam’s Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) and was granted the status of accreditation in 2019. In the next step toward international standards of education, FPT University then applied for ACBSP accreditation for the Business Administration program on the Hanoi campus.
In the next part, Dr. Tran Ngoc Tuan, Vice Rector cum Dean of the Faculty of Business, presented on the following subjects: progress of ACBSP accreditation, the content of the self-study report, preparation for the on-site interviews and relevant evidence, the connection between the evidence and content of the report, roles of relevant departments as specified in the report.

Previously, on October 4th, 2019, the Faculty of Business, FPT University welcomed Dr. Paul Schneiderman, ACBSP mentor for FPT University on his personal visit to the Hoa Lac campus (Hanoi). Dr. Schneiderman complimented the FOB for the improvement in recent years and consulted the FOB on the final stage of preparation for the on-site visit.

ACBSP is the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs. This is one of the most prestigious accreditation organizations for business programs in the world.