FPT School of Business & Technology (FSB) officially launched the “Improving corporate governance capacity” training program exclusively for senior leaders of VietJet Air Aviation Joint Stock Company in May.

Upon finishing the course, the top management board of Vietjet Air will be equipped with the knowledge and thinking of a modern, multi-functional leader, develop strategies and plans to help businesses stay stable in period 4.0 – continuous competition and continuous development.
In addition, with the strength of a leading Technology Corporation in Vietnam, FPT also focuses on digital transformation applications at enterprises. This contributes to Vietjet Air in increasing competitive advantages and adaptive solutions in business in the new normal period.
VietJet Air is the first private airline in Vietnam to operate following the new generation of low-cost airlines, at the forefront of technology applications with a modern and friendly ticketing website.
With more than 20 years of experience in organizing and training business programs, FSB has thousands of students in postgraduate programs (Master MBA, Master MSE) or short-term branded programs such as MiniMBA, CEO 4.0, etc. and other Enterprise Training courses.
Original post: https://international.fpt.edu.vn/blog?blog=fsb-trains-and-develops-governance-capacity-of-vietjet-air