World Hyper-Inflation Banknote Museum at FPT University Ho Chi Minh
The museum “Hyper-Inflation – What’s the point of having lots of money?” is known as the first and only inflation currency museum in Vietnam. Prof. Le Truong Tung – Chairman of the FPT University Council spent 15 years searching and collecting all coins in the museum. Each design on display at the museum is also designed by himself.
The Museum introduces the history of inflation – world hyperinflation and displays a collection of more than 300 coins with denominations of 1 million or more from about 30 countries during nearly 100 years (1921 – 2019), including countries: Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bolivia, Bosnia, China, Croatia, Georgia, Germany, Greece Hungary, Iran, Nicaragua, Peru, Poland, Romania, Russia, Transcaucasia, Turkey, Ukraine, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Zaire (Congo), Zimbabwe, etc.
Let’s take a walk around the World Hyper-Inflation Banknote Museum.
The museum is a meaningful destination for everyone to help them understand the history of monetary inflation, and appreciate the historical values and the currency.
“Toads” Museum at FPT University Hanoi
Many newcomers to FPT University wonder why is everything at school attached to a toad. For example, the teachers are the Teaching Toad, the students are the Study Toad (sometimes Understanding Toad), the Board of Directors is the Approve Toad, the good students are the Golden Toad, and the museum displays many Toads.
When you have questions, you will get the answer: “FPT University mascot is the Toad”. This answer makes you wonder even more: “Why not anything else but a Toad?”. So, let me tell you about the Toad Family.
Why is Toad the mascot of FPT University?
We give 10 extremely compelling reasons as follows:
- First, about Education, the Toad is the only animal associated with education, as evidenced by the Dong Ho painting with the painting of the Toad master, showing profundity and intelligence. There is no Albatross master or Elephant master
- Second, in sociology, the Toad is an animal that is highly appreciated by the people for its stubbornness, as evidenced by the phrase “Toad sue heaven”, it’s heaven they still dare to sue, The bravery and extremely unruliness that are very similar to FPT University after it was founded. Besides, folk also said, “Toad is Heaven’s Uncle,” it is clear that Toad is a big fish with a high position, convenient for asking for a favor.
- Third, about Creative learning, the Toad is an extremely dynamic animal and will never sit still, such as folk have the phrase “Toad on a plate” to say that it is difficult to get us into a framework. This stays true to the spirit of constant creation.
- Forth, in Meteorology, the Toad has the ability to “call rain and wind”, no less than Zhuge Liang of the Three Kingdoms, as evidenced by ‘Toad’s wish for rain ‘by clenching his teeth. Rain is good for crops, and gives prosperity to many places. How blessed.
- Fifth, about Martial Arts, Toad is a very tough animal, everyone knows about purple Toad, though small but ready to jump into a fight with a Tiger, only accept “Both leave” but refuses to be bullied. Such bravery suits FPT University so much.
- Sixth, in Agriculture, Toad is a natural enemy of insects, with Toad, the crops are less damaged so that people can enjoy living happily and singing everywhere. In an environment that always struggles with “insects” like us, there is nothing more rational than a natural enemy.
- Seventh, about Linguistics, it is said that in folklore, people often attach the word “coc” (meaning toad) before each negative sentence, such as to hear, to learn, to play … to make them mean do not listen, do not study, do not play … In an environment of high creativity, the negation is a prerequisite to new things. Therefore, choosing Toad is the right decision.
- Eighth, regarding nutrition learning, toad meat is considered to have a high nutrient content. Malnourished young children use an effective medicine which is to eat Thi Toad (processed carefully). Therefore, choosing Toad means saying “no” to … malnutrition.
- Ninth, about zoology, the Toad is an amphibian, living on land and underwater, breathing through the lungs, breathing by the skin, and having great vitality and adaptability to the external environment. Besides, there is a huge amount of poison on the skin, limiting many enemies. FPT students who graduate with the spirit of “accepting all kinds of monsoon” should choose an animal with high vitality and adaptability and that is not to be debated.
- Tenth, in economics, each semester the school (FPT University) will choose the best students to award a golden reward, such as Golden Bees, Golden Birds, or Golden Ants …. Picking toads is extremely reasonable because it is not so big as wasteful like Golden Bear, Golden Elephant or worse Golden Whale, but not too small and stingy like Golden Bees, Golden Ants, Golden Mosquitoes … Also making a gold Toad is not too impossible.
And the Toad has been associated with FPT University ever since. Therefore, we have a collection of toad statues in the open museum for local people and other students to visit and take photos of.
Let’s take a walk around Toad Museum.

The museum also offers an online version that is available to the public.