Students from FPT University have the opportunity to undertake internships abroad, allowing them to work in various roles, improve their English proficiency, and explore the fascinating cultures of different parts of the world.
Engaging Work Experiences in Various Roles
For FPT University students, internships are a chance to gain real-world work experience in a professional environment. Participating in overseas internships through OJT (On-the-Job Training) programs takes these experiences to a new level.
Foreign companies generally offer well-structured work environments and have high expectations for their staff, including interns. As a result, FPT University students face new challenges and apply their knowledge and skills in diverse and practical settings.
Minh Nhat is currently interning in the Philippines in the field of hospitality (Photo: Provided)
“During the 2-month period, I’ve had the chance to try out three different job positions. Currently, I am working as a customer service staff member during guests’ stays at the hotel. This is a new and exciting experience for me. It helps me better understand customer needs, which is beneficial for my major in Digital Marketing,” shared Nguyen Minh Nhat (a student from FPT University, Ho Chi Minh City branch).
Improving English Proficiency
One psychological barrier for students considering internships abroad is the fear of not speaking English well. However, for FPT University students, cross-border OJT (On-the-Job Training) is an opportunity to improve English skills in a way that is both effective and enjoyable, integrating learning with practical application.
Minh Nhat mentioned that his English listening and speaking skills improved as he had daily opportunities to practice with colleagues and customers.
Dương Ngoc Quynh (FPT University, Hanoi) had previously participated in an exchange semester in Germany before continuing her internship in the Philippines. Quynh noted that she adapted quickly to new cultures and environments and frequently engaged in events and met international friends.
“The English proficiency requirements at FPT University provided me with solid listening and speaking skills. Going abroad is a chance for me to practice those skills,” Quynh shared.
For Quynh, interning abroad is an opportunity to gain additional cultural experiences (Photo: Provided)
New Cultural Experiences
In addition to the benefits of gaining knowledge, skills, and significantly improving English proficiency, interning abroad also offers Gen Z students at FPT University the opportunity to experience a multicultural lifestyle.
“I set a goal to meet many international friends and explore the culture of the country where I’m interning. Fortunately, the foreign colleagues here are very friendly and easy to connect with,” Quỳnh shared.
This student also believes that studying in an experience-rich environment like FPT University, learning to be independent, confidently express oneself, and having a diverse cultural background has made it easier for Quynh to explore life abroad.
Minh Nhat also shared: “FPT University provides an environment that suits Gen Z students who love traveling and exploring. At FPT University, from the first year, you can participate in an exchange semester in Malaysia, where you can both learn English and explore the culture. Afterwards, depending on your major, you can choose to participate in exchange programs or internships in Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, or some European countries.”
According to Dantri