On Saturday and Sunday (June 22 and June 23), FPT University (Can Tho) organized a Python Programming Seminar with the participation of 3 professors from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia:
1. Dr. Vijanth Sagayan Asirvadam, an expert in the field of Intelligent Systems, GPS Navigation, Spatial/Geographic Data Analysis, and System Identification.
He is known for his work on computational and engineering analysis for systems and computer science, such as Real-time and Proactive SLA Replication for a Cloud-based System (2018), Image sensor overlap optimization for multivariable monitoring systems (2018), Augmented sequential MCMC procedure for particle-based learning in dynamical systems (2019), etc.
2. Dr. Kishore Bingi, an expert in the field of Fractional Filters and Controllers, Combination and Optimization Algorithms, Open Source Toolboxes using Scilab, Octave and Python, etc.
He is a reviewer for many international journals and conferences, such as the International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (IGI Global), IEEE Access, European Control Conference (ECC). He also serves as a judge of Robot competitions (IEEE-RAS International Robot Pride Competition 2016, IEEE International Advanced Robotics Competition 2017, STEM Fair.
3. Nirbhay Mathur, Master of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with more than 4 years of experience in data modeling, data analysis, and using machine learning algorithms for the following research areas: Clustering Algorithms, Hotspots for Vulnerability Mapping.
He is an expert in programming languages Matlab, C, C++, Word Press, HTML, CSS, LaTex, Python, etc. with studies such as Probabilistic Risk Assessment and visualization for the reliability of control tool (2019), Dengue visualization using expectation maximization (EM) algorithm.
The seminar on Python programming language taught by three top experts from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia, has officially ended after 2 days, and more than 30 officials and lecturers from numerous units, including FPT University (Can Tho), Can Tho University, FPT Polytechnic, FPT Software, and Can Tho College of Economics and Technology.
The organizing committee also provided certificates to the participating officials and lecturers and expressed gratitude to the three experts for giving their time to share novel and fascinating information about the Python programming language.
Because of Python’s simplicity and usefulness, I think the country of Vietnam will benefit from it in the upcoming years. I appreciate FPT University (Can Tho) for setting up this seminar. Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS’ Dr. Kishore Bingi shared.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/daihocfptcantho/posts/pfbid02HavjcerbtZkNjmE23VuUjg6rwhrtShYjByLiUui5GZJvXp7DYDcMBcMxNMp3Ko6xl