SEMINAR – WORKSHOP: Inspiring Creative Futures

[RECAP] SEMINAR – WORKSHOP: Inspiring Creative Futures✨
? An interesting and useful workshop with the sharing of experiences and inspirational stories from Prof. Dr. Hedley Roberts, Director of the School of Fine Art, Craft + Photography, Artist, Writer, Curator – University for the Creative Arts, UK. Remarkably, there was a portrait drawing practice with a cool new method developed by Prof. Dr. Roberts. Through the workshop, he has brought a lot of positive energy and interesting knowledge for our Toads, FPTU students!

? With the method of asking questions and understanding communication, in just 30 minutes, the Toads surprised the lecturers of the Digital Art & Design Department and the officers of the FPT Edu Scientific Management Office and ICPDP Department with their own “works” on portraying our lecturers and officers. The portraits were full of each student’s creativity and diverse, unique style!

?Let’s look back at the exciting experiences of the Toads in today’s program with ICPDP and you will definitely “Wow” when admiring the unique creative products of your friends below!
#FPTEducation #FPTU #ICPDP
#UniversityofCreativeArts #UK
#Creative #InspiringCreativeFutures
#Seminar #Workshop #forFPTers