On the morning of July 13th, 2019, FPTU’s Faculty of Business in coordination with Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) organize a roundtable discourse on the topic “Making STEM Sexy for Youth: Through the Lenses of Social Marketing in Jumpstarting STEM Interest amongst Youth”. Chaired by Associate Professor Maisarah Ahmad from UTP on her scholarly exchange with FPTU’s Faculty of Business, the discussion is attended by many representatives who are Business Administration lecturers, STEM teachers at FPT Primary School (Fschool), officers from FPT School of Business and Technology (FSB), and officers from the head office of FPT Education.
The discourse addresses some specific issues regarding the current state of STEM awareness of various stakeholders across all levels, the implementation of STEM engagement activities at FPT Education, and an assessment of STEM market segments and STEM for Youth Engagement activities providers in Hanoi and Vietnam towards Sustainability.
Throughout the discussion, the participants point out several current issues regarding STEM implementation in Vietnamese schools, as there is still a gap between the content of natural sciences taught in schools and the practical job requirements. As a leading private university in Vietnam in IT and technology, FPT University is therefore concerned about promoting STEM among youth. This discussion is thus the first step in the effort of marketing STEM to the target segment of young students and their parents.