ICTNews – FPT University recently becomes the fifth university to be accredited based on a new set of criteria. With this result, according to the amended Law on Higher Education, FPT University officially gains autonomy in opening new programs and joint-training activities.
With the newly-acquired accreditation status, according to the 2018 amended Law on Higher Education, FPT University officially gains autonomy in opening new training programs and joint-training activities.

To complete this accreditation process, FPT University was evaluated based on 25 standards including 111 criteria which are divided into 4 groups: Strategic Quality Assurance, Systemic Quality Assurance, Functional Quality Assurance, and Operational results.
With over 300 universities nationwide, more than 120 institutions have applied for national accreditation of higher education institutions. Until now, there have been 5 universities that are granted accreditation status based on the new standards of the Ministry of Education and Training.
The new accreditation standards for higher education institutions have been significantly modified compared to the old standards, to be more in line with international quality accreditation for higher education institutions. Thus, accreditation based on the new standards not only helps to evaluate the quality of higher education institutions, but also provide a general guideline so that universities can have a standard reference framework and can implement strategies to improve quality and international integration.
With a recognized accreditation status, according to the provision of the 2018 amended Law on Higher Education, FPT University officially gains autonomy in opening new training programs, determining student recruitment quota, and implementing joint-training programs.
According to Dr. Nguyen Khac Thanh, Rector of FPT University, “Being recognized of the accreditation status of higher education quality based on the new set of criteria is evidence of FPTU’s operational quality. With the autonomy in many important functional areas of a university, FPT University will have more opportunities to holistically and comprehensively implement education and training activities.”
Until now, FPT University provides 5 programs in 14 majors in IT, Economics, and Language Studies, and has implemented one international joint-training program with the University of Greenwich (UK). The University will soon launch a joint program with Swinburne University of Technology (Australia).
FPT University has previously been highly regarded in many national and international rankings. The University is the first in Vietnam to be given 3 stars by QS Stars and is the only representative of Vietnam to receive the ICT Education Award by the Asian-Oceanian Computing Industry Organization (ASOCIO). The university also received awards for excellent university in education and training from BrandLaureate for two consecutive years, as well as received the Sao Khue award for excellent full-time ICT training institution for many consecutive years.