On October 3, the AQAS accreditation experts visited and worked at FPTU Hanoi with the aim of accrediting the quality of training programs in linguistics majors, which include English, Japanese, and Korean.
On the side of FPT University, Dr. Nguyen Khac Thanh (Principal of FPT University), PhD. Nguyen Kim Anh (Vice Principal of FPT University), PhD. Tran Ngoc Tuan (Vice Principal of FPT University), PhD. Nguyen Xuan Phong (Vice Principal of FPT University), MSc. Phan Truong Lam (Head of Training Department at FPTU Hanoi), PhD. Nguyen Hong Chi (Director of English Language Program, FPT University), PhD. Do Thi Van (Director of Japanese Language Program, FPT University), MSc. Do Thi Minh Thuy (Head of Quality Assurance Department, FPT University), and officers of relevant departments ardently welcomed the group of experts.

On October 3–5, the AQAS experts conducted interviews with the FPT senior executives, heads of departments, students, alumni, and businesses about the English, Japanese, and Korean language departments.
In addition to the face-to-face format, the experts also interview lecturers, students, and alumni of FPTU Can Tho online.

In addition, the experts also inspected FPT University’s facilities, especially the classrooms and library serving the Linguistics majors.
On October 5, the AQAS experts would summarize the evidence of the two-day work, ending the accreditation at FPT University.