Training Objectives

    • General objectives

The professional objective of the training bachelor program of Japanese Studies (hereinafter referred to as the Training program) is to train Japanese Language graduates with political qualities, professional ethics, an understanding of Japanese culture, knowledge of the Japanese language, and the ability to use Japanese as an effective tool at work. With 3 orientations namely Translation – Interpreting, Hotel & Tourism Management, and Information Technology, students can develop careers in specialized fields and keep up with the development trends towards diversification and specialization of many fields and occupations of society, meet demands for human resources related to the Japanese language in agencies, departments, organizations and enterprises in the domestic and foreign environments.

In addition, the Training program emphasizes equipping students with foreign language skills through the Preparation English program lasting from 0-1 year depending on their entry-level, and the output is equivalent to IELTS 6.0. Upon graduation, students can study and work in international and multicultural environments in different countries.

The training program also aims to provide students with soft skills such as communication, teamwork, critical thinking, entrepreneurial mindset, serious work spirit, dedication, creative thinking, the ability of lifelong learning, and a fundamental understanding of politics, law, ethics, and scientific methodology. These sets of knowledge and skills are taught through the courses of Political theory, National Defence Education, etc.

The program also aims to preserve the values and national identity of Vietnam by involving Traditional musical instruments and Vovinam courses. These values will help deepen students’ national pride, bringing difference for them to work in multicultural environments.

  • Specific objectives

The general objectives are shown more clearly in the following specific objectives:

PO1: Have knowledge and practical skills as well as be able to use standard Japanese equivalent to level 5 in the Vietnamese 6-level Foreign Language Competency Framework or equivalent to level C1 in the JF standard/CEFR Framework or level N2 in the standard JLPT Foreign Language Proficiency Test for foreign students studying Japanese.

PO2: Have basic theoretical knowledge of Phonetics, Grammar, and Vocabulary of the Japanese language to consolidate language knowledge to be able to conduct translation activities, carry out comparative research, or pursue further education.

PO3: Obtain an understanding of Japan in terms of the country, people, culture, and working styles in Japanese enterprises, be able to adapt and integrate well when working with Japanese partners and in a multicultural environment in the era of globalization.

PO4: Have a professional orientation for future careers as well as grasp basic vocabulary, expressions, basic knowledge, and skills to meet personal, professional, and social development needs.

PO5: Achieve level 4 of English in accordance with the six-level Foreign Language Proficiency Framework for and Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, be able to use English to communicate well to support future professional activities.

PO6: Demonstrate teamwork, presentation, critical thinking, planning, and time management skills.

PO7: Understand entrepreneurship and obtain an entrepreneurial spirit.

PO8: Maintain a good physical condition and proper professional qualities and ethics; show a sense of discipline, follow appropriate working styles in the era of technology development.

PO9: Have an understanding of political theory, Vietnam Communist Party’s doctrines and directives, state policies, national security, and national culture in the context of international integration.

PO10: Perform a solid ability to self-study and capability for study promotion, obtain a foundation to pursue further study and research in the Japanese Studies major; acquire important personal and professional qualities and skills to become experts in the field of translation and interpretation, become managers and leaders in the hospitality and tourism sectors, have basic knowledge of information technology related to professional fields, and be able to adapt to the rapid changes of the science and technology era.

Career prospects

Graduates of the Japanese Studies major can take up positions in the following sectors:

Group 1: Translators/Interpreters/Editors: to become Japanese – Vietnamese or Vietnamese – Japanese translators and interpreters at enterprises. Especially, graduates can work as a technical translator – interpreter in software development companies cooperating with Japanese partners. Graduates can also use the Japanese language and the knowledge of Japanese studies to work at press agencies, publishing houses, and media agencies, as well as participate in editing and revising documents and publications related to Vietnamese and Japanese in Vietnam and Japan.

Group 2: Office secretary/ External affairs assistant/ Administrative assistant/ Assistant manager/ Market development officer, etc.: Graduates can use Japanese to do tasks related to foreign affairs, cooperation, business, import, and export with Japanese partners, support negotiations, transactions, sign business contracts, etc. at domestic and foreign enterprises and organizations in related fields that use Japanese or have relations with Japan.

Group 3: Employees working in tourism, hotel sectors/ bridge engineers, translators, and interpreters in the IT industry:

  • Students who have chosen Hospitality and Tourism Management orientation can take up positions in the tourism industry such as tour guide, travel salesperson, tour operator, customer care staff, translator – interpreter in travel agencies, domestic and foreign travel and tourism companies that work with Japanese partners.
  • Students who have chosen Japanese IT orientation and learned more specialized knowledge about IT while working at companies can participate in projects, work as bridge engineers (comtor), connect with Japanese customers, or become an interpreter- translator in the IT sector.

Group 4: Researcher/Lecturer/Postgraduate: Graduates can carry out research activities in centers that conduct research in the field of Japanese language and culture and Japanese studies in domestic and foreign countries. Graduates can also learn more about pedagogy to teach Japanese at centers and schools. They can follow postgraduate degrees in Japanese languages, literature and culture at domestic and foreign graduate training institutions.

Program Learning Outcomes

Towards fulfilling the Mission and Vision, the training objectives focus on the following specific learning outcomes:

  • 1. Foundation and major knowledge and skills

1.1. General knowledge and skills

PLO1:  Have basic knowledge of social sciences, politics and law, security and defence, contribute to the formation of worldview and scientific methodology.

PLO2:  Have an entrepreneurial, creative, critical, and problem-solving mindset.

PLO3: Communicate and work in groups effectively in academic and practical environments.

PLO4: Be able to use English well to communicate and study (equivalent to level 4 according to the Vietnamese 6-level Language Proficiency Framework, equivalent to IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL (paper) 575-600 or TOEFL (iBT) 90 – 00).

1.2.  Ethical qualities and attitudes

PLO5: Behave in a professional way, be moral and responsible for society, and be devoted to communities.

PLO6: Be mentally and physically strong, be capable of expressing national identity and integrating confidently into the world.

PLO7:  Have a spirit of self-study and lifelong learning and be capable of adapting to the constant change of technology and society.

  • 2 Major knowledge and skills

2.1. Japanese Studies knowledge and skills

PLO8: Be able to use Japanese at a level equivalent to level 5 according to the Vietnamese 6-level Foreign Language Competency Framework (equivalent to level C1 of the JF standard framework) / N2 of the JLPT exam, or level C1 of the CEFR-) with a requirement of acquiring 5,000 ~ 6000 words including about 4,500 general words and over 1,500 specialized words, about 1,200 Chinese characters and complex grammatical structures expressing the grammatical categories of Japanese for communication purposes:

  • Be able to understand and recognize the implication, development, and main content of long and large-scale texts.
  • Be able to express ideas fluently and use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic, and professional purposes.
  • Be able to write clearly, coherently, and in detail on complex topics, as well as demonstrate the ability to organize texts and use linking words correctly.

These LOs are demonstrated clearly in the following skills:

PLO8.1: Speaking Skills (話す): Use Japanese in social communication activities and professional fields such as:

  • Be able to communicate independently on a wide range of topics, make arguments and present ideas in a clear and coherent way, use language fluently and accurately, be able to well control emotions when speaking, and express opinions naturally and fluently.
  • Be able to give a clear, well-organized presentations on complex topics, extend, and strengthen their opinions through relevant arguments and examples.
  • Be able to use general vocabulary (about 4,500 words) and specialized vocabulary (about 2,000 words), be capable of handling the problems of lacking words or not mastering the in-depth terms by explanations and using specific illustrations.

PLO8.2: Listening Skills (聞く)

  • Be able to follow and understand audios that relate to many aspects, use a rich body of vocabulary, form simple to complex sentence structures, and express in near-natural Japanese, understand the development and content of dialogues or speeches and presentations; be able to analyze lectures in major knowledge groups by being able to explain words, analyze grammar, and introduce knowledge about Japanese language and culture;
  • Be able to follow and understand conversations between native speakers, even conversations that include logical and scientific content.

PLO8.3: Reading Skills (読む)

  • Be able to skim, read quickly to find information, or read carefully to understand the details of long and complex texts that relate to politics, economy, society, education, technology, entertainment, culture, tourism, and various types of documents that require a use of a rich volume of vocabulary.
  • Be able to thoroughly understand long and complex texts and even texts not related to the training major, provided that difficult passages are repeated.

PLO8.4: Writing Skills (書く)

  • Be able to interpret documents of different writing styles used in daily life and professional documents such as articles, business letters, contracts, reports, etc.
  • Be able to write detailed, clear, and coherent passages on topics related to the training major, highlight important points, expand arguments, and support ideas by using evidence and illustrative examples to get appropriate conclusions.

Moreover, these sets of knowledge and skills are developed through the following levels of study:

PLO8.a1: Acquire about 500 basic vocabularies including 100 kanji, able to use polite grammatical structures, as well as short and necessary sentences used in daily life. Be able to understand and use familiar daily structures to meet specific communication needs. Be able to introduce themselves and others; give information about themselves such as where they live, relatives/friends, etc. Be able to communicate simply in case the partner speaks slowly, clearly, and is willing to help.

PLO8.a2: Acquire a total of 1,000 basic vocabularies including about 300 kanji, basic verb conjugations, simple sentence structures, or basic expanded simple sentences, and common polite expressions used in daily life that relate to basic communication needs (such as information about family, personal information, shopping, asking for directions, jobs). Be able to exchange information on simple and familiar topics. Be able to describe themselves, and describe the surrounding environment, and basic needs in a simple way.

PLO8.b1: Acquire a total of 2,000 basic vocabularies including about 800 kanji, verb conjugations related to tenses, aspects, voices and modals, extended grammatical structures, be able to distinguish formal and informal speech, etc. Be able to understand the main points of a clear and standard passage or speech on familiar topics related to work, school, leisure, etc. Be able to handle most situations that arise when visiting an area where Japanese is used. Be able to write simple passages on familiar or self-interested topics. Be able to describe experiences, events, dreams, hopes, and ambitions, and briefly give reasons, explanations for opinions, and plans.

PLO8.b2: Acquire a total of 3,500 basic vocabularies including about 1000 kanji, and complex grammatical structures to understand the main ideas of complex documents on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical exchanges related to the training major. Be able to communicate at a fluent, natural level with native speakers. Be able to write clear and detailed texts on a variety of topics and can explain opinions on an issue, and demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of different options.

PL08.c1: Acquire a total of at least 4,500 basic vocabularies including over 1500 specialized words and 1200 kanji, complex syntactic structures, rich expressions showing the attitude, role, and position of the speaker and participants in conversations (including text readers and listeners). Be able to understand and recognize the implications of long and broad texts. Be able to express ideas fluently and use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic, and professional purposes. Be able to write clearly, coherently, and in detail on complex topics. Demonstrate the ability to organize texts and use linking words correctly.

2.2. Specialized knowledge and skills

PL09:  Grasp the basic theory of language and aspects of linguistics, including basic knowledge and argument about the Japanese language, be able to analyze components of Japanese and Vietnamese in terms of phonetics, vocabulary, and grammar; apply accumulated knowledge to initially make a comparison between Japanese and the mother tongue to enhance the effectiveness of language learning; develop skills in using language in specific contexts to achieve communication goals; be able to identify errors and correct them when editing or analyzing various types of documents.

PL010:   Be able to summarize knowledge of Japanese country, people, history, culture, society, and literature; thereby, successfully communicate in a multicultural environment, get active support for translation and interpretation work, office work, tourism, hotel, IT-related work, research, and teaching activities.

2.3. Electives with specialized orientation 

  • A- Translation – Interpreting orientation

PLO11A:  Acquire basic knowledge of translation theory, knowledge related to translation-interpretation activities, methods and techniques applied in translation-interpretation; distinguish and behave properly with the contexts and environments of interpretation, different types of interpretation such as simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation, sight translation, etc.

PLO12A: Have knowledge and skills to practice Japanese – Vietnamese and Vietnamese – Japanese translation and interpretation related to educational, cultural, literary activities, conferences, seminars on economics, tourism, information technology, etc.; obtain a foundation for long-term professional development in these fields.

PLO13A: Apply knowledge of languages and cultures into translation and interpretation activities in different professional fields in an adaptive and flexible manner.

  • B- Hotel & Tourism Management orientation

PLO11B: Acquire about 2,500 basic vocabularies and corresponding expressions between Japanese and Vietnamese related to Hospitality and Tourism industry; be confident in communicating with Japanese partners; and play the role of an important bridge; and contribute to promoting Vietnam – Japan relations and socio-economic development.

PLO12B: Have knowledge and skills to practice Japanese – Vietnamese and Vietnamese – Japanese translation and interpretation related to Hotel Management and Tourism, as well as participate in conferences, seminars and implement projects connecting Vietnam – Japan in this field.

PLO13B: Be able to develop professional skills to become managers; start a business in the tourism, hotel, and restaurant sectors; or pursue further academic and research activities in this field.

  • C- Information technology orientation

PLO11C: Acquire about 2,500 basic vocabularies and corresponding expressions between Japanese and Vietnamese related to information technology; be confident in communicating with Japanese partners; play the role of an important bridge; and contribute to promoting Vietnam – Japan relations and socio-economic development.

PLO12C:  Have knowledge and skills to practice Japanese – Vietnamese and Vietnamese – Japanese translation and interpretation related to information technology, as well as participate in conferences, seminars, and implement projects connecting Vietnam – Japan in this field.

PLO13C: Be able to develop professional skills to become managers; start a business in the field of information and technology; or pursue further academic and research activities in this field.

  • On-the-job training and Graduation thesis/project

PLO14: Combine the knowledge accumulated at the university and apply to real work at the internship units (offices, enterprises, schools, language centers, hotels, restaurants, etc.); consolidate and improve language and professional knowledge through practical experience, and prepare to work with Japanese partners.

PLO15: Synthesize the knowledge accumulated during the learning processes and apply into practice to conduct and complete a research project or a graduation project related to the training major under the guidance of instructors; develop in-depth professional knowledge and the ability to analyze, synthesize, evaluate, and think critically.

PLO16: Have knowledge of behaviors and protocols in working with Japanese people.

PLO17: Acquire skills in scientific research, information search, and document analyses in Japanese


Volume of knowledge of the program:

145 credits (excluding Orientation and General Training Program, Preparation English).

No. Module Duration/Number of courses Credits Notes
1 Orientation and General Training Program 5 weeks 0 Certificate
2 Preparation English 0-1 year 0 Certificate
3 Physical Education Interleaved 6 Certificate
4 Professional program, including On-the-Job-Training 9 Semesters 139 accumulate grades
4.1 General knowledge and skills 10 courses 26
4.2 Major knowledge and skills (including OJT) 9 courses 58
4.3 Specialized knowledge and skills 11 courses 40
4.4 Electives 5 courses 15


Admission eligibility

– In accordance with regulations on formal university enrollment; college enrollment of the Ministry of Education and Training.

– In accordance with regulations on enrollment of FPT University.

 Training process, graduating conditions

– In accordance with regulations on formal university and college training of the Ministry of Education and Training.

– In accordance with “Regulation on formal undergraduate education using academic credit system” in force by FPT University.

Evaluation method

– In accordance with “Regulation on formal undergraduate education using academic credit system” in force by FPT University.

A guide to implementation

    • Training methods:
  • Most of the courses of major and specialized knowledge and skills will use materials and exams in English.
  • Forms of teaching and learning: Courses can be deployed in the form of on-campus teaching (offline) or online learning (on FPT-Coursera platform, EduNext, etc.) with assessment tests are performed at school.
  • Sandwich model: The overall training program is implemented in 4 phases; students must complete the previous period before moving to the following one:
      • Phase 1: Preparation (from 1 to 3 semesters), students are required to get a general English level equivalent to IELTS 6.0 before moving to learn professional programs;
      • Phase 2: General knowledge and foundation courses (the first 5 semesters);
      • Phase 3: On-the-Job-Training (semester 6);

    • Teaching and Learning methods:
  • Choose teaching and learning methods that help promote students’ experiences in university such as group work experiences, internship experiences and academic experiences in various forms within courses and learning periods.
  • Exploit and apply a variety of teaching and learning methods such as social constructionism, experiencing, learning through projects, collaboration, etc. to enhance students’ active learning, facilitate and instruct learners to access and utilize knowledge from different learning materials and utilize the strengths of methods in the new technology era.