“Parasite” is a series of interactive exhibitions and applied graphic creation camps for students majoring in Digital Art & Design (FPT University).
The theme is inspired by the theory of parasites on the human body, which is an act of revenge when their habitat is destroyed and attacked by humans.

On December 1, the exhibition took place to attract a large number of visitors with more than 200 unique works of various genres: large-sized 3D printed models, video art, postcards, word art products, and AR interactive space.
According to data from the 2021 Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), more than 8,400 wildlife species are critically endangered. The cause of the extinction of millions of species of wild animals and plants is largely due to humans invading their natural habitats. However, most of us are still very indifferent or willfully ignore the consequences of these actions.
Ms. Phan Bao Chau – Head of the Digital Animation Department (FPT University), is an instructor who guides Le Nguyen Xuan Dieu Phuc, Dang Tuan Anh, and the team to implement the Exhibition “Parasite.” She stated: “It started from the realization that the living environment of the species has been gradually reduced due to the exploitation and destruction of nature by humans. Students majoring in Digital Art Design started to rekindle the idea and create an exhibition to call on people to protect nature through the hypothesis that, when the habitat is lost, organisms will parasitize on human body. At FPT University, we do not train painters but train creators and designers to serve life and realize breakthrough ideas with products that apply modern technology such as 3D technology, animated graphics, etc. and spreading meaningful messages”.

As one of the business representatives attending the exhibition, Mr. Hoang Tho – Creative Director of Alipo Creative Company – Judge of the “Parasite” Camp, said: “I am really impressed with more than 200 interesting works on environmental topics of FPT University students. The theme carries a topical, inspirational message and offers a creative, multi-colored perspective. We are also used to warnings in the face of overexploitation of nature. However, at the Parasite Exhibition, we can see the language in sync: when humans destroy the living environment of creatures, the creature has no place to live, it will parasitize humans. It is also a deterrent, a wake-up call to people themselves and spreading the message of environmental protection.”

“Parasite” is one of the projects and products of FPT University students on the topic of environmental protection in order to contribute to sustainable social development. In 2022, FPT University was officially included in the list of global university rankings for sustainable development named THE Impact Rankings, published by the prestigious Times Higher Education (THE). With a ranking of #801-1,000, FPT University was officially recognized as a university contributing to achieving sustainable development goals. FPT University participates in THE Impact Rankings in 2022 with 4 goals: SDG 6 – Clean water and sanitation, SDG 8 – Good jobs and economic growth, SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities, and SGD 17 – Cooperation for the SDGs. The THE Impact Rankings uses university performance scores based on 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in four areas of research, stewardship, outreach, and teaching.
Sources: https://daihoc.fpt.edu.vn/sinh-vien-dai-hoc-fpt-gay-an-tuong-manh-voi-trien-lam-ky-sinh/