Faculty exchange with Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

As part of the collaboration between the two universities, Dr. Nguyen Van Thien, a mathematics lecturer at FPT University (Hanoi), worked at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP – Malysia) from September 9–14, 2019.

Dr. Thien had discussions with faculty members of the UTP Department of Fundamental and Applied Sciences. Besides, he had in-depth conversations about joined-research on topics “Some Inequalities for general convex functions” with Prof. Ibrahima Peyre and “Rational Quartic Spline Interpolation” with Dr. Samsul Karim.

Meetings with FASD’s faculty members
Discussion on FPTU and UTP’s collaboration

Dr. Thien presenting his studies


Photo with Dr. Samsul Karim